5th Luso-Brazilian Colloquium on Ethics and Political Philosophy
Date: 29-07-2024 09:00
Location: Universidade de Évora
Email: gregori.souza@ubi.pt
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 5th Luso-Brazilian Colloquium on Ethics and Political Philosophy, with the theme "Paths of Justice - Contemporary Dialogues." This event will take place on July 29 and 30, 2024, in Room 131 of the Colégio do Espírito Santo, at the University of Évora, in Portugal.
The colloquium is organized in collaboration with PRAXIS - Center of Philosophy, Politics and Culture, the Institute of Research and Advanced Training of the University of Évora, the Post-Graduate Program in Philosophy of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, and the Hans Jonas Center Brazil, with the support of FCT.
In addition to the in-person event, there will be an online broadcast. Those interested should send a participation request to gregori.souza@ubi.pt
This colloquium represents an excellent opportunity to discuss and reflect on the various paths of justice in a contemporary context. We look forward to your presence and active participation!