The PhD in Philosophy at the University of Évora has a generalist vocation, offering an in-depth study of central and structuring philosophical areas, but taking contemporary approaches open to interdisciplinary perspectives as its starting point.
It was designed to provide advanced training in the research areas of the course's professors, within the context of the center in which they work and the networks in which they are integrated.
The fundamental objectives of the program are:
(1) to reinforce students' philosophical foundations; (2) to promote methodologically appropriate practices that are coherent with the themes of their emerging projects; (3) to prioritize the acquisition of dialogue and critical reflexivity skills in terms of the academic quality of the produced work; (4) to develop and promote communication skills with other members of the philosophical community and society in general.
The privileged areas of training are Practical and Phenomenological Philosophy, and especially Existential Analysis, in interface with Clinical Psychology and Psychoanalysis.