European Identity and Citizenship - Challenges of the European Integration
Autor: Bruno Ferreira Costa, Catarina Sales de Oliveira, Corina Tursie, Denys Liftintsev, Giovanna Schlink, Guilherme Marques Pedro, Inna Ivanivna Matiushyna, Liliana Reis, Paulo Vila Maior, Pedro Silveira
Editor: Bruno Ferreira Costa
Ano: 2023
ISBN: 978-989-561-299-4
This work constitutes a valuable contribution to the study of citizenship and European integration, with the participation of 10 researchers from Portugal, Romania, and Ukraine. The multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach is one of the ways to understand European Union dynamics and to reinforce the study of the European project’s main challenges.
The work addresses the historical and institutional aspects of the European Union, emphasizing the theme of populism in the EU, the role of the EU in the global context, the security issue, the integration of migrants/refugees, the cultural aspect, and a chapter on Ukraine’s European identity. From a pedagogical perspective, the book constitutes a fundamental instrument for political science, international relations, and European studies students to deepen their knowledge of these themes. At a time marked by profound changes in the political and international sphere, it is important to connect the European project foundations and the challenges of our society.
The book is, therefore, relevant support for teachers and researchers with responsibilities in these domains and represents an added value to all those interested in deepening their vision of Europe.