Urbano Sidoncha elected president of the International Association of Researchers in Cultures
Urbano Sidoncha, lecturer at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and PRAXIS researcher, was elected president of the newly created InterCult - International Association of Researchers of Cultures.
This organization, officially created at the beginning of last December, brings together 18 universities from Portugal, Brazil and Mozambique.
Urbano Sidoncha is a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Letters of UBI, in the areas of teaching Aesthetics, Contemporary Thought and Contemporary Philosophy. He is also a researcher at the R&D unit Praxis - Center for Philosophy, Politics and Culture. He is also the director of the 2nd Cycle/Master's degree course in Culture Studies.
The first president of AIIC has a degree in Philosophy (Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon) and a PhD in Philosophy (specialty of Contemporary Philosophy) from the same institution.