

  • Brief Introduction
  • Research Areas
  • Main Publications
  • Curriculum Vitae

Dominique Mortiaux

Doctoral Researcher
Dominique Mortiaux completed, in 1999, the first cycle of the degree in History at the Université de Namur, before obtaining a degree, in 2003, in Philosophy, at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, with a thesis on G. Bataille. He received a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Évora, in 2018, with a thesis entitled "Housing, the institution, at the time of technique. For a poetics of existence in Heidegger", guided by Professor I. Borges-Duarte. He is currently a philosophy teacher in secondary education, in Brussels, and a researcher at the Évora branch of PRAXIS - Philosophy, Politics, Culture. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0298-3157.

Main Publications

- «“Palavra, flor da bocaˮ. Arte, espaço, ritmo em Heidegger», in Liber amicorum para Irene Borges Duarte (no prelo).

Heidegger e a superação da sua compreensão transcendental de “mundo”: da “Entschlossenheit” à “Gelassenheit”», in Phainomenon. Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy, 31(1), De Gruyter, 2021, p.153-167. ˂https ://˃.

-« Instituição e cuidado : será uma política dos mortais possível ? », in Fenomenologia hoje VI. Intencionalidade e Cuidado, B.Sylla, I.Borges Duarte e M.Casanova organizadores, Via Verita Editora, Rio de Janeiro, 2017.

-«O que une a Morte à Origem ? Sobre um diálogo entre Freud e Heidegger», in Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, t.65 (suplemento), Braga, 2009, p.1329-1336.

-«La question de la science moderne chez Heidegger» in Hiatus, nº4, Bruxelles, 2008, p.189-222.

Curriculum Vitae
Research Areas
Contemporary Philosophy, Aesthetics, Daseinsanalyse.

