

  • Brief Introduction
  • Research Areas
  • Main Publications

Isabel Maria de Sousa Lourenço

PhD Student 

Curricular part of the PhD in Bioethics at the Institute of Bioethics of the Catholic University of Portugal


Title of Specialist in Nursing - awarded by the consortium IPCB, IPG, ESEC


Postgraduate Degree in Human Rights


Postgraduate Degree in Medical Law


Master's degree in Theology and Ethics of Health/ Ethics and Health Care


Professional Title Nurse Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing


Degree in Nursing


President of the Ethics Committee of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco


Member of the ULSCB Health Ethics Commission


Member of the Board of RedÉtica


Integrated member of the UID Age.Comm - Interdisciplinary Research Unit - Functional Aging Communities of the IPCB


Sub-Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Palliative Care


Adjunct Professor at Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias/Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco



Main Publications


Ferreira, Ana; Baptista, Ricardo; Lourenço, Isabel; Crisóstomo, Rute; Peças, Isabel; Carreiro, Fátima; Bento, Cristina; Marques, Libânia; Lourenço, Ana; Baptista, Conceição (janeiro 2023) Plano de Igualdade de Género do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco,

Lourenço, Isabel (13 de dezembro 2022) Palliative Care - The management of Physical and psychological pain in the end-of-life and palliative care context, Conference,  in: INSTITUT DE FORMATION DES PROFESSIONS PARAMÉDICALES, Dreux, FRANCE

Lourenço, Isabel (1 de dezembro 2022) Academic Ethics Committees: an experience in higher education – IPCB, STA Erasmus+ Mobility,  UNIVERSIDAD DE LA RIOJA, Logroño. La Rioja, SPAIN

Lourenço, Isabel (9 de novembro 2022) Atividade da CE-IPCB  2019/2022, Conference, in: IPCB Ethics Committee and Project Submission to the EC - IPCB,

Rodrigues, M. Eduarda Pereira; Lourenço, Isabel (10 a 12 outubro 2022) Atividade e Experiência da Comissão de Ética numa Instituição de Ensino Superior - Póster, in: CONFOA - 13ª Conferencia Lusófona  Ciência Aberta 

Lourenço, Isabel; Crisóstomo, Rute; Pereira,Alexandre; Loureiro, Arnandina; Gomes, Carlos Costa; Ribeiro, Fernando; Neves,João;  Sousa, José Pedro; Moreira, M. João; Castilho, M. Luísa; Coelho,M. Teresa; Ferreira,Sara (outubro 2022) Código de Conduta Ética do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco,

Lourenço, Isabel (30 de junho 2022) A Ética a Investigação Clínica em Seres Humanos - o papel das Comissões de Ética nas Instituições de Ensino Superior, Communication in: Colóquio de Doutorandos e Pós-Doutorandos em Filosofia

Lourenço, Isabel (28 de abril 2022) Academic Ethics Committees: an experience in higher education – IPCB, STA Erasmus+ Mobility,  UNIVERSITAT DE LES ILLES BALEARS, Palma (Illes Balears), SPAIN

Lourenço, Isabel (16 de dezembro 2021) Palliative Care - Proposal for a European inter-university "teaching" project, Palestra, INSTITUT DE FORMATION DES PROFESSIONS PARAMÉDICALES, Dreux, FRANCE

Lourenço, Isabel (2004) – A Espiritualidade no processo terapêutico, Quarteto, Coimbra

Research Areas

Ethics; Bioethics; Practical Philosophy; Ethics Committees; Ethics in Research; Palliative care; Aging and Human Dignity

