

  • Brief Introduction
  • Research Areas
  • Main Publications

Marcello Boemio

PhD Student
Degree in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Naples Federico II. Master in Philosophy, specializing in Philosophy of History, from the University of Naples Federico II, with the dissertation "Il conflitto como categoria storico-esistenziale nella teologia theology of Carl Schmitt". He has worked in the Department of Philosophy and Human Sciences at the IISR in Naples. Naples, and collaborates with the Chair of Moral Philosophy at the Federico II University of Naples. Fellow of the Praxis research center and PhD student in Philosophy at the University of Évora. He is a member of the Permanent Seminar of Political Philosophy in Naples. He focuses mainly on the thought of Carl Schmitt, Thomas Hobbes and Giorgio Agamben. He is currently working on a thesis on the crisis of modern political space.
Main Publications


Boemio, M., Pandemia come politica. Lo spazio totale del sovrano nell’analisi di Giorgio Agamben, em Aa. Vv., Políticas e Pandemias. Olhares políticos transdisciplinares sobre os dilemas da Cidade Terrestre, Edições Humus, Ribeirão, 2022.

Boemio, M., Carl Schmitt: spoliticizzazione e forma politica, in Da Marx al post-operaismo, a cura di Irene Viparelli e Giovanni Sgrò, La città del sole, Napoli, 2018.

Boemio, M., L’Europa in Carl Schmitt come spazio della misura, in Aporie dell’integrazione europea: tra universalismo umanitario e sovranismo, a cura di Anna Pia Ruoppo e Irene Viparelli, FedOAPress, Napoli, 2021.



Boemio, M., L’eccezione normale. La sovranità in Giorgio Agamben: violenza e salvezza, in Sceinza&Filosofia,

Research Areas

Philosophy of History, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Political Theology, Sovereignty, Cartographic and political rationality.

