Ângelo Milhano
Guest Assistant Professor (Praxis/UÉ)
Ângelo Samuel Nunes Milhano, born 17 March 1984, holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Évora, where he is now a Visiting Professor. He is a researcher in Philosophy of Technology at Praxis: Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Culture. Ângelo has focused his research on digital technologies, focusing on how their various materializations are able to influence human beings and their way of thinking about the world. The various implications of the advent of Digital Culture, have occupied his most recent researches.
He has developed lecturing work in Universities, carrying out his duties with dedication and responsibility. He was Assistant Professor at the Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação do Uíge, in Angola, between 2014 and 2016. He taught several curricular subjects, among which Metaphysics, Hermeneutics, Contemporary Philosophy, Aesthetics, among other subjects described further ahead. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Évora, where he lectures the subjects of Introduction to Systems of Meaning and Communication, Technology and Society, Bioethics, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis and Modern and Contemporary Thinking (I and II), as well as various Seminars of the Doctoral Course in Philosophy.
Between 2020 and 2021, he worked as a Science Management Fellow at Praxis: Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Culture. There he showed his valences in the revision and evaluation of the Centre's various publications; the management of inter-institutional communication; and in the articulation of the communication relations between its various Researchers. He was also involved in the organization of the various events that made up the calendar of activities of the Centre. He also played a central role in the dissemination and promotion of the work developed by Research Centre.
Ângelo Milhano is also involved in several research projects. Among these, the DiMa project (The Digital Matters: Object, Phenomenon, and Society) stands out, which results from a cooperation between several Portuguese researchers, and from other institutions in Europe and South America. He has devoted several papers to philosophical issues raised by the use of digital technologies, in national and international events.
Email: a.s.n.milhano@gmail.com
He has developed lecturing work in Universities, carrying out his duties with dedication and responsibility. He was Assistant Professor at the Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação do Uíge, in Angola, between 2014 and 2016. He taught several curricular subjects, among which Metaphysics, Hermeneutics, Contemporary Philosophy, Aesthetics, among other subjects described further ahead. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Évora, where he lectures the subjects of Introduction to Systems of Meaning and Communication, Technology and Society, Bioethics, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis and Modern and Contemporary Thinking (I and II), as well as various Seminars of the Doctoral Course in Philosophy.
Between 2020 and 2021, he worked as a Science Management Fellow at Praxis: Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Culture. There he showed his valences in the revision and evaluation of the Centre's various publications; the management of inter-institutional communication; and in the articulation of the communication relations between its various Researchers. He was also involved in the organization of the various events that made up the calendar of activities of the Centre. He also played a central role in the dissemination and promotion of the work developed by Research Centre.
Ângelo Milhano is also involved in several research projects. Among these, the DiMa project (The Digital Matters: Object, Phenomenon, and Society) stands out, which results from a cooperation between several Portuguese researchers, and from other institutions in Europe and South America. He has devoted several papers to philosophical issues raised by the use of digital technologies, in national and international events.
Email: a.s.n.milhano@gmail.com