Integrated Researchers

Integrated Researchers

  • Brief Introduction
  • Research Areas
  • Main Publications
  • Curriculum Vitae

Bruno Daniel de Brito Serra

Guest Assistant Professor (Praxis/UBI)

BA degree in Philosophy and an MA degree in Teaching Philosophy in Secondary Education, both awarded by the University of Beira Interior (UBI). From 2012 to 2016 he held an FCT Individual PhD Scholarship to pursue PhD studies at Durham University (U.K.), which he successfully concluded in 2016 with a doctoral thesis entitled The Politics of Rationality: A Critique. He is currently a researcher at Praxis – Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Culture, as well as an Invited Assistant Professor at UBI.

Main Publications

2020: Fahrenheit 451: The temperature at which democracy burns. In Correia, Gradim & Morais (orgs.), Pathologies and Dysfunctions of Democracy in the Media Context Vol. 1. Covilhã: Editora Labcom.

2019: The Politics of Rationality: A Critique. Covilhã: Editora Labcom.IFP

2017: Serra, Paulo & Serra, Bruno. Democracy and Cultural Diversity. In Lemos Martins, Sidoncha & Bandeira (eds.), Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 4, 2, pp. 37-52.

2017: Disposable Assets: Weyland-Yutani’s Special Brew of Business Ethics. In Ewing & Decker (eds.), Alien and Philosophy: I infest therefore I am, pp. 39-48. Oxford: Wiley.

2015: Philosophy and Education for Citizenship [Filosofia e Educação para a Cidadania]. In Branco & Domingues (eds.), Curriculum and Citizenship [Currículo e Cidadania]. Rio de Janeiro: Dialogarts.

2014: Citizenship and Political Action: the Dilemma between Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism. In Campos & André (eds.), Challenges to Democratic Participation, pp. 97-115. Lexington Books.

2013: Chaos and Order: Anarchy in the MC. In Dunn & Eberl (eds), Sons of Anarchy and Philosophy, pp. 73-85. Oxford: Wiley

Curriculum Vitae
Research Areas

Specialization in the areas of Political Theory/Philosophy and Philosophy of Mind, particularly with regard to the role of emotions in the political process, the use of propaganda in democratic context and the work of Carl Schmitt.
Particular interest in the areas of Ethics (namely, the contrast and interaction between deontology and utilitarianism, as well as its contemporary expression in fields such as Bioethics and professional deontology) and the Philosophy of Education (with an emphasis on education for citizenship, the teaching of Philosophy and the exploration of different pedagogical methodologies).

