Luís Filipe Madeira
Guest Assistant Professor (Praxis/UBI)
PhD in Political Science from Institut d'Études Politiques at Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV. Student-researcher at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Bachelor's degree in Public and International Affairs from the Catholic University of Louvain. Candidate in Law from the Université Saint-Louis in Brussels. Integrated researcher at the Institute of Practical Philosophy, University of Beira Interior. Collaborator at the Center for Overseas History, New University of Lisbon. Teacher of the Political Science and International Relations course and the Master's in Political Science at the University of Beira Interior. Responsible for teaching the following curricular units: Institutions and Policies of the European Union, Political Parties and Interest Organizations, and Electoral Systems and Behaviors (1st cycle, Political Science and International Relations course); Public Policies and Regional Public Policies (2nd cycle, Master's in Political Science).
Email: lmadeira@ubi.pt
Email: lmadeira@ubi.pt