

  • Brief Introduction
  • Research Areas
  • Main Publications

Tomás Correia

PhD Student

Bachelor's degree in International Relations from the Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon.

Master's degree in Philosophy, with specialization in Political Philosophy, from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of NOVA University Lisbon, with the dissertation "The Emptying of the Metanarratve: Foucault's Archeology and Genealogy in the Study of Normativity".

PhD student in Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Beira Interior, where he is currently working on his dissertation "Towards a (Post)Modern Justice - Foucault’s Epistemology as the Groundwork for Justice".

He currently works at PRAXIS - Center of Philosophy, Politics and Culture as a Scholarship Researcher, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), where he addresses issues related to various authors of French continental philosophy.


Main Publications


(2024) 5th Luso-Brazilian Colloquium of Ethics and Political Philosophy [(Paths of Justice - Contemporary Dialogues), University of Évora]: "Ética, Cuidado de Si e Parrésia: Um Guia Foucaultiano para a auto-constituição do sujeito". URL

(2024) International Colloquium of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Students in Philosophy (University of Évora): "Revisiting Michel Foucault's Dispositifs: Exploring the Nexus of (Bio)Politics and (Bio)Power in Contemporary Research" URL

(2024) O que faz FALta é animar a malta (CulturUBI): "Poder, Normas e Normalização em Michel Foucault" URL

(2023) 5th International Congress of the Portuguese Philosophical Society: "Democratic Peace Theory: A Kantian Genealogy". URL

(2023) 13th Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy: "Michel Foucault’s methodology in the study of normativity". URL


CORREIA, Tomás. (2025). O Método Foucaultiano e o seu Papel na Construção da Verdade. Observatório Político (in press);

CORREIA, Tomás. (2024). Post-Scriptum sobre as Sociedades de Controlo: Do Mundo Moderno ao Pós-Moderno, Revista Minerva Universitária. URL

CORREIA, Tomás. (2022). Democratic Peace Theory: Kant’s Heritage and Its Flaws, Minerva Universitária Magazine. URL

CORREIA, Tomás. (2022). The Emptying of the Metanarrative: Foucault’s Archaeology and Genealogy in the study of Normativity (Master's Dissertation). Repository of the NOVA University Lisbon. URL

CORREIA, Tomás. (2020). Lenin on Civil War: Class Struggle and Revolution as Instances of Civil War. Political Observatory. URL

CORREIA, Tomás (2020). “Social Constructionism, Power and Behaviour: A Post-Structuralist Analysis”, Political Observatory. URL

CORREIA, Tomás. (2019). "Triunfalismo Democrático", SDUL - University of Lisbon Debate Society. URL

CORREIA, Tomás. (2019). “Orientalismo - Propagação de Valores e Instituições Ocidentais em Sociedades Não-Ocidentais”, PACTA Magazine. URL

CORREIA, Tomás. (2018). “Youth and Democracy”, Estoril Conferences Journal. URL

CORREIA, Tomás. (2017). “Democracia”, O Cacique Journal. URL

Research Areas

French Continental Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Critical Epistemology, Theories of Power, (Meta)Narratives, Ontology, Post-Modernism, Post-Structuralism.

